The wide range of our products we offer include:
- Shopping baskets (approximately) 40 different designs
- Picnic Baskets
- Bicycle baskets
- Bags and baskets
- Gift Baskets
- Baskets
- Baskets of flowers
- Stands for flowers
- Hanging Flower
- Wall Decorations
- Reeds, wreaths
- Pots and planters for flowers
- Vases
- Trays for fruit
- Trays of bread, the cutlery, the napkins, gift, etc.
- Pet Baskets (conveyors, booths, chairs, cages, feeders and nesting boxes)
- Newspaper containers (standing, hanging)
- Carpet beaters
- Baskets umbrella
- Haversacks
- Boxes, caskets, boxes (made of wicker, and straw)
- Drawers, baskets land (shop)
- Baskets for bedding
- Trunks, boxes (26 standard patterns)
- Laundry baskets, baskets and accessories (12 patterns)
- Baskets for timber, firewood baskets (18 patterns)
- Mirrors
- Suitcases, trunks (12 patterns)
- Lamps
- Lampshades, lamps
- End Tables, cabinets, store shelves, chests of drawers (40 patterns)
- Shelves, hangers
- Rocking chairs (6 patterns)
- Garden chairs (10 patterns)
- Seats of the house
- Sofas, chairs
- Chairs
- Stools, chairs, footstools
- Tables
- Screens
- Furniture for children
- Cribs, cradles for children